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Gender Budgeting Review of Scottish Local Authority Budgets 24-25

Gender Budgeting Review of Scottish Local Authority Budgets 24-25

January 14, 2025, 10.00 – 11.00


The purpose of Gender Budgeting is threefold:

  • to promote accountability and transparency in fiscal planning; 
  • to increase gender responsive participation in the budget process, for example by undertaking steps to involve women and men equally in budget preparation; 
  • to advance gender equality. 

SWBG have again reviewed all 32 local authorities’ publicly available budget documentation for 2024-25 to explore how budget decisions and documentation measure up against the principles underpinning gender budgeting. 

From a gender budgeting perspective budgets should be: 

  • Transparent – parliament and elected members, civil society and the public should have accessible information about budget decisions; 
  • Participative - there should be meaningful engagement in the budget process; 
  • Outcome-focused – decisions taken around the budget should be linked to the outcomes that government are aiming to achieve (particularly in relation to advancing equality); 
  • Advancing equality – processes reveal persistent and enduring inequalities so that public resources can be directed to best effect to eliminate those inequalities

This event will share the findings from our review highlighting good practice and areas for improvement.

Book your place here: 


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