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SWBG blog

It's time to hear from you

As we kick off the new year the Scottish Women’s Budget wants to hear from you.

It’s a tough start to 2021 with renewed lockdown measures, a faster spreading virus, and the knock impact for jobs, care and support. 2021 needs to become a year of transformation as we start to recover from the impacts of Covid-19, and tackling inequalities must be at the heart of this recovery.

SWBG will be working to tackle gender inequalities through gender responsive budgeting to build a caring, gender equal economy in Scotland. Our member’s voices are crucial to our developing work and that’s why we want to hear from you.

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As Covid continues to wreak havoc women are facing particular challenges. Many have found themselves at the frontline of the Covid-19 crisis, making up the majority of health and care workers and the majority of workers at high risk of exposure to Covid-19. But all too often in jobs that are underpaid and undervalued. Other sectors which have a predominately female workforce have been harder hit by the impact of lockdown and ongoing restrictions of social distancing, with risk of unemployment or reducing working hours remaining high.

Alongside this, women have picked up more of the additional unpaid care work within households, with an expectation that during this second round of school closures women will again be making tough decisions about how to work and care for children. Recent analysis by the UK Women’s Budget Group, Engender Scotland, Close the Gap, the Fawcett Society and other partners across the UK shows that mothers on the lowest incomes are eight times more at risk of losing their job due to school closures in the UK.

The Scottish Women’s Budget Group will be working throughout the year to see how decisions on public spending can work to tackle gender inequalities and challenge the recovery to Covid-19 to build a gender equal economy.

It’s time we build back together, join us and share your views in at our January events or in our members survey.

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