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SWBG blog

She works hard for the money

On Tuesday 7th June, the Scottish Women's Budget Group joined forces with Engender and Close the Gap to hold an event looking at gender budgeting.

It was a fantastic day, with around 50 women coming together to discuss how we can work together to push for a feminist economic plan for Scotland. A full report is on the way, but in the meantime you can access the slides from Professor Angela O'Hagan here, and Emma Ritch, executive director of Engender, here.

You can also see some photos of the day here.

Two follow up meetings will be happening in Edinburgh and Glasgow in August. Book your place here.

If you want to get more involved in the Scottish Women's Budget Group, you can sign up here.

Related publications

Why feminists should care about Gender Budgeting Slides from Professor Angela O'Hagan at SWBG conference on June 7th.

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