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A more equal and caring economy is possible. We work to promote equality through gender budgeting to build a fairer and more equal Scotland.

More about us

What we want to see

Women standing on coins

An economy that works for women

Circles showing priorities such as houses and water

Public spending decisions that recognise the different challenges faced by women and men

Women, wind turbines and solar panels

A feminist green recovery that invests in tackling inequality

Get involved

From our blog

Empowering Voices: Why Disabled Women Matter in the Scottish Budget Apr 17: Guest blog based on Jennifer Way-Ogunsola's reflections on our Women's Economic Empowerment Project.  Jennifer is a policy analyst and Masters Student at the Wise Centre for Economic Justice. 

Equalities, women and cuts to public services Apr 15: Our Coordinator, Carmen Martinez, reflects on the way in which Aberdeenshire Council justified its decision to close their out-of-school-hours care service and the language used by the Glasgow HSCP in their EQIA Budget Report, and questions whether these are examples of a broader trend.  

Women and active travel: lessons from our work with Sustrans Apr 10: Our Training Lead, Heather Williams, discusses why the work we did with Sustrans is key to reducing inequalities in active travel.

Women's Survey 2024 Launch Mar 11: On Friday 1st March we launched our Women's Survey 2024! 
